diumenge, d’abril 19, 2009

La revolució silenciosa

A partir del 19 d'abril El Periódico ofereix la possibilitat de comprar el llibre "La revolució silenciosa", la biografia de Vicente Ferrer, fins al 26 d'abril. El periodista Alberto Oliveras narra la vida del recentment elegit Català de l'Any. Des de la seva infantesa jugant als carrers del casc antic de Barcelona (interessant relat costumista sobre la capital catalana dels anys 20) fins al reconeixement de la seva obra a Anantapur, una de les zones més deprimides de l'Índia, on la Fundació Vicente Ferrer ajuda més de dos milions de persones. Tanmateix, s'acaba de publicar també "Un pacto de amor" de la seva dona, Anne Perry. Dues possibles recomanacions de cara al proper dia de Sant Jordi, que ja ens estant recordant des de fa dies.
"The Saint Jordi festivity, which takes place the 23rd of April, is one of the most beautiful holidays in Catalonia. During this day, the streets are full of colours thanks to the book shops and roses stands. Many citizens and curious tourists walk through the city. Men give a rose as a present to their partners and women give a book to men (but can be a book for another book! :-) This day is also the Day of the Books, which is a remembering of Cervantes death and Shakespeare birthday.
The legend tells Saint Jordi was a lord who was born in Capadocia (Turkey nowadays). The Catalonian tradition believes that it happened in Tarragona, in a small town called Montblanc. In Montblanc there was a dragon that feared the people. The town wanted to sacrifice one person every day in order to avoid the monster to attack everybody. Naturally the problem was that there was nobody who wanted to be eaten by the dragon. Therefore, each day they picked one person from the population of the town. The system was very effective until one day the person who had to be delivered to the monster was the beautiful princess. The daughter of the king had to be sacrificed like the rest of his citizens. Fortunately, a gentleman appeared in front of the princess and killed the dragon with a spear (Saint Jordi, of course) and this tale has already been finished..."

A l'esquerra, foto de Lakshmi (una imatge que m'han passat recentment).

Deesa molt venerada a l'Índia que simbolitza la riquesa i prosperitat, tant material com espiritual. Dona del déu Vishnu, símbol de la bellesa i de la bona sort, segons la tradició va néixer de l'escuma del mar, un mite similar al naixement de Venus a la mitologia grega.